Best Christmas

By Barbara Robinson
December 2008 

Synopsis:  The Herdmans are the worst kids in the whole history of the world; they lie, steal and cheat.  Now they have bullied their way into the annual Christmas pageant!  Slated to be the “worst pageant ever”, the whole town has gathered in anticipation, waiting to see the Herdmans ruin Christmas.  Will the pageant be a disaster as everyone is expecting, or will the spirit of the season change the hearts and minds of the Herdman family?


 Mother Grace Bradley Linda Baldwin
 Father Bob Bradley Jeff Baldwin
 Beth Bradley Sophie Nordell
 Charlie Bradley Jack Nordell
 Ralph Herdman  Barrett Robertson
 Imogene Herdman Shannon Angelo-Surber
 Leroy Herdman True Baldwin
 Claude Herdman Dylan Allbrandt
 Ollie Herdman Shaun Angelo
 Gladys Herdman Brenna Angelo-Surber
 Alice Wendleken Kate Baldwin
 Maxine Janna Long
 Ms. Armstrong Kathy Splitgerber
 Mrs. McCarthy Cindy Nordell
 Mrs.Sloeum Casey Nordby
 Mrs. Clark Rebecca Casey
 Mrs. Clausing Fayrene Webb
 Rev. Hopkins Fred Stultz
 Elmer Hopkins Kyle McDowell
 Hobie Brian Bowen
 David Matthew Angelo
 Shirley Emily Long
 Juanita Dekotah Conley
 Doris Emma Baldwin
 Beverly  Codi McPeek
 Firemen Sam Crawford
 Spencer Maxfield
 Voices and Angel Choir  Carrisa Harlow
 Katie Abbott
 Alyssa McDowill
 Sophie Bird
 Kayelan Canterbury
 Molly Kozadd
 Akirah Gillies
 Makenzie Konty
 Allison Mills
 Lily Nordell
 Rachel Robertson
 Caden Smith
 Kimmy Smith
 Olivia Stuck
 Hanna Taylor
 Talia Wadas
 Baby Angels  Jayden Huntsman
 Micaela Kimmett
 Zoe Martin
 Jacqlynn Nordby
 Jasmynn Nordby


 Produced & Directed  Jennifer Barnes-Gatzke
 Kathy Herrin
 Stage Manager Kay Abbott
 Accompanist  Kyle Harlow
 Light Tech Tony Schenk
 Spotlights  Cheri Hinz
 Rob Smith
 Sound Tech  Chris Abbott
 Curtains Carly Smith
 Set Construction Dennis & Nancy Brady
 Mike & Kay Abbott
 Cory Batty
 Stage Crew  Tracy Bowen
 Jeff Allbrandt
 Cheryl Allbrandt
 Cinnamon Bird
 Cindy Nordell
 Rebecca Casey
 Kathy Splitgerber
 Casey Nordby
 Melissa Wadas
 Dianna McPeek
 Make up / Costumes / Green Room  Fayrene Webb
 Cassy Huntsman
 Violet Webb
 Suzanne Conley
 Karla Long
 Ruth Cozadd

*This show is FCT’s Annual Benefit for Fremont County’s Loaves & Fishes!* Collected 1,560 lbs. of food for the Loaves & Fishes food pantry and holiday baskets!

